
The following are a collection of 提示s that have been sent out throu the Canvas Newsletters. They will be added to and kept up-to-date so you don’t have to search your emails to find a 提示 and to make sure new faculty members can access 提示s from the past.

If you do see anything out of date or want to offer your own please contact us. 

Beginning of the semester setting up a course in Canvas can be stressful. Here are some Canvas setup suggestions that can help make your Canvas setup a little smoother. 



  • 使用NetID登录到Canvas
  • 在课程Navigate中选择“设置”
  • 选择“课程详情”页签
  • 选择“启用课程评分方案”复选框。
  • 选择“设置评分方案”
  • You will either need to create a grading scheme or choose one that already exists



发布课程按钮Unless you publish your course AND your modules you will not be able to;

  • 从Canvas(收件箱)给学生发消息
  • 你们的学生将无法进入课程


  • 登录到canvas.uwosh.使用你的NetID
  • 在仪表板上选择要发布的课程
  • 选择右侧栏中的“发布”按钮




UW系统购买了Canvas 24/7支持. You (or your students) can contact support throu Canvas by selecting the question mark icon in the bottom left of your Canvas course. You can choose to contact support throu; email, chat or phone. 



Canvas uses a process called “Grade Passback” to send grades from Canvas to 巨人网络. 在使用Grade Passback之前,您必须:

  • add a grading scheme to each of your courses (if you havent already)
  • 从你的花名册中删除考试学生


这将把成绩从Canvas发送到巨人网络, you must still login to 巨人网络 to finalize grade submission. If you have any problems submitting grades from Canvas please let me know.


If you would prefer to add your grades manually in 巨人网络 directions are below. If you have questions or problems with 巨人网络 please use the contact information from the website below. Canvas 24/7 support cannot help with 巨人网络 questions.


This is different than changing the “nickname” from the dashboard. 这个名字会显示在你的学生课程卡上. Setting the nickname on the course card overrides the name for both the student and instructor.

  • 进入课程设置
  • 更改“名称”



If you want to get a list of student email addresses you can use the “New Analytics” tool. 在课程主页上选择“New Analytics”. 选择“下载CSV”按钮. 解压缩文件后,您将得到一个Student.csv文件.



Have students who go by a different name you want to keep track of? 试着使用“笔记”一栏 Canvas 年级的书. You have to make the notes column visible before you can use it.

  • 翻开你的成绩单
  • Select “View > Notes “

你可以把About这个学生的笔记放在这一栏里. You can also move the “Notes” column in front of the “Student Name” column by dragging the notes header to the front.


When capturing video using Kaltura Capture make sure you have plenty of RAM and HD space. We have been having problems with using Kaltura Capture on computers without enough system resources to properly function. The result was a video that started out fine but over time the audio became out of sync and would occasionally drop the video. 所以当你拍摄视频时,要确保; 

  • You only have the browser windows open you need ( including tabs ) 
  • Closeout of any other programs you don’t need to show in your video 
  • Empty your trash and make sure you have plenty of hard drive space to temporarily store the video. 
  • Kaltura Capture requires a minimum of 4GB Ram and 1GB of available storage. 完整的Kaltura Capture需求列表在这里


如果您正在使用Kaltura Capture进行记录 叙述 over a 演示文稿 滑e you might consider using 演示文稿s “Narration” feature (而不是Kaltura Capture). One advantage to using this technique is that if you decide to switch out a 演示文稿 滑e and change up the audio a bit you don’t have to redo the entire presentation. 你只需要重做你修改过的幻灯片. You can then export a video that can be uploaded into Kaltura, My Media. Another advantage is that this avoids the problem where the audio and video can fall out of sync (see above 提示). Here are some resources on using 演示文稿s Narration feature. 



If you have a group that needs to share videos you can make a request for a new group from 威斯康辛大学系统. It makes it easy to share videos with a lot of other instructors. Group videos will show in My Media for each person in the group. Once you change the owner of a video to the group anyone in that group can edit that video, including; changing the owner and deleting it. So be sure the users in your group are responsible caretakers, some edits cannot be undone. I recommend using the embed code if you think a video is going to be added to more than 32 courses in its life span. 



Kaltura just released a new automatic closed captioning tool. 它是机器字幕,并将您的音频转换为文本. When finished your videos will appear with a CC button that users can select to read the captions. If you have used YouTubes closed captioning tool its similar. 选择要添加字幕的视频, 订购标题(不用担心,这是免费的), 等待, 然后编辑内容, 时机 & 拼写错误. This is great and allows us to more easily caption videos for accessibility needs.